Friday, March 11, 2011


1. What do you see? I see 6 men holding guns
2. What Colors you see? Green, brown, blue,
3 Use 5 expressive words? open fire, pop, kill, fire, blast, trigger
4. What is the meaning of this image? The meaning of this image is that 6 men have guns and they are trying them out by shooting in a open area.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Neo.Geo national best of 2010

1.The reason i chose this picture because it looks important and it catches my attention the most out of all the other picture.

2. The is a important news image because it looks like its for people stranded in the middle of no were and they need help to survived.

Who? Unknown
What? for people stranded on a island
When? March 15, 2010
Where? It happen at Somaliland
Who? Unknown

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


1.What do you see? I see a women painting the hole floor blue.
2. What colors do you see? Blue, white, gray.
3.Use 5 expressive words?, remark,rendition, set phrase, speaking, speech,
4.What is the meaning of this image? The meaning of this image is that a women doning something that she loves to do.